Logistic Regression ( 로지스틱 회귀 ) --> 딥러닝을 위하여 알아둬야하는 가장 중요한 부분 ( 이미지 분류방법의 기초 )
1. 정의
- 회귀분석이지면 분류성격을 갖고 있다.
- Regression이라해서 연속형 Y값을 예측하는 것 같지만, 범주형인 경우에 사용하는 분류 방법이다.
- 왼쪽 그림의 경우 Y가 0또는 1인 경우라면 선형회귀로는 fitting하기 힘들다. 따라서 곡선으로 fitting하기 위해 사용하는 것이 로지스틱함수(로짓변환)이다.
- odds_ratio = p/(1-p)
- example ) 실패에 비해 생존할 확률의비 = 0.38/0.62 = 0.61 ( 백명 사망할 동한 61명 생존)
- 이것을 로짓변환하여 사용
- 보통 ROC Curve를 그리고 AUC (the Area Under a ROC Curve)로 판단
2. Python Example
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
df = sns.load_dataset("titanic")
feature_names = ["pclass", "age", "sex"]
dfX = df[feature_names].copy()
dfy = df["survived"].copy()
dfX["sex"] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(dfX["sex"])
dfX["age"].fillna(dfX["age"].mean(), inplace=True)
dfX2 = pd.DataFrame(LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(dfX["pclass"]),
columns=['c1', 'c2', 'c3'], index=dfX.index)
dfX = pd.concat([dfX, dfX2], axis=1)
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(dfX, dfy, test_size=0.3,)
log_clf = LogisticRegression()
log_clf.score(X_test, Y_test)
feature_names = ["pclass", "age", "sex","class"]
dfX = df[feature_names].copy()
dfy = df["survived"].copy()
dfX["sex"] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(dfX["sex"])
dfX["age"].fillna(dfX["age"].mean(), inplace=True)
dfX["class"] = dfX["class"].dropna()
dfX["class"] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(dfX["class"])
dfX["pclass"] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(dfX["pclass"])
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(dfX, dfy, test_size=0.3)
log_clf = LogisticRegression()
log_clf.score(X_test, Y_test)
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, precision_recall_curve, roc_curve,log_loss,auc
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report, precision_score, recall_score
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y_pred = log_clf.predict(X_test)
[fpr, tpr, thr] = roc_curve(Y_test, y_pred)
print('Train/Test split results:')
print(log_clf.__class__.__name__+" accuracy is %2.3f" % accuracy_score(Y_test, y_pred))
print(log_clf.__class__.__name__+" log_loss is %2.3f" % log_loss(Y_test, y_pred))
print(log_clf.__class__.__name__+" auc is %2.3f" % auc(fpr, tpr))
idx = np.min(np.where(tpr > 0.95)) # index of the first threshold for which the sensibility > 0.95
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color='coral', label='ROC curve (area = %0.3f)' % auc(fpr, tpr))
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot([0,fpr[idx]], [tpr[idx],tpr[idx]], 'k--', color='blue')
plt.plot([fpr[idx],fpr[idx]], [0,tpr[idx]], 'k--', color='blue')
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate (1 - specificity)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate (recall)', fontsize=14)
plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve')
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
print("Using a threshold of %.3f " % thr[idx] + "guarantees a sensitivity of %.3f " % tpr[idx] +
"and a specificity of %.3f" % (1-fpr[idx]) +
", i.e. a false positive rate of %.2f%%." % (np.array(fpr[idx])*100))
참고 자료
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